[Bradford] Dave and Nige's band

David Carpenter david.carpenter at nornir.co.uk
Sun Jun 6 10:47:59 UTC 2010

As you may or may not know, Nige and I make a racket that passes for
'popular music covers' in a band (as yet with no name), and we've been
persuaded to inflict this on other people.

You could be those people!

Saturday 19th June - Heaton Tennis and Squash club, in aid of Nightstop
- tickets £5, includes a chilli supper!

Friday July 16th  - private party for the band's friends, Crossflats,
bring a bit of grub...

Let me know if you're interested...

Now that's what I call marketing.

P.S. Apologies for the abuse of mailing list privileges!

David Carpenter


E: david.carpenter at nornir.co.uk
Skype: carpenter.david

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