[Bradford] Website hosting and maintenance

John R Hudson j.r.hudson at virginmedia.com
Sat Oct 15 08:07:43 UTC 2011

Hi all.

A small organisation of which I am a member has a website primarily for the 
purpose of communicating with its members in the UK and abroad.

It pays £20 a month for website hosting and maintenance and used to get a good 
service but, as the company has grown bigger, our organisation has dropped in 
their priorities and the service the organisation gets has seriously 
deteriorated over the past year.

It is looking for an alternative able to offer a better service and would not 
mind paying more if the result was a reliable service. It probably makes 
around a dozen addtions a year to the site.

Can anyone offer or recommend website hosting and maintenance (or just website 
hosting with the organisation taking maintenance on itself) or offer any 
advice on the situation? 


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