[Bradford] Git Version Control

David Spencer baildon.research at googlemail.com
Tue Aug 7 21:05:40 UTC 2012

zzzz <snooze> zzzz <snore> zzzz...

> just getting started with it.  I wonder if David S would be open to

<jolt>  What?! <blinkblink>  Did someone want summat?!

> I wonder if David S would be open to
> putting his presentation on commandline tools into a git repository
> for us to fork and push changes to?

Well err I guess so but... do you mean last month's, or next month's
(which doesn't exist yet and isn't likely to exist until Mister
Deadline snarls at me).  Last month's was nothing more than one (1)
text file and one (1) odp file.  Is an odp file sufficiently
transparent to be a useful example?  There's a lot of other stuff
already on https://github.com/idlemoor which might be more suitable.
Better still, I guess most LUG people will be comfortable with html
and website maintenance, so what about if I establish a github repo
for my RasPi webpages right now (yes I should have done that from the
outset) and push updates (yes, genuine real world updates) between now
and the meeting?  would that be reasonable?  And then you folk can
redesign it for me :-)


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