Hello,<br><br>I want to add an extra layer of security to my server, but I have no idea what is best as I've never used either<div>so out of app amour or seLinux what would you choose and why?</div><div>I have use fedora before with selinux but it went as far as disabling it as per most guides on the web</div>
<div><br></div><div>I'm running Debian wheezy amd64<br clear="all"><div><br></div>-- <br>About.me <a href="http://about.me/dick.thomas" target="_blank">http://about.me/dick.thomas</a><br>Blog: <a href="http://www.xpd259.co.uk" target="_blank">www.xpd259.co.uk</a><br>
G+: <a href="http://www.google.com/profiles/xpd259" target="_blank">www.google.com/profiles/xpd259</a><br><br><br>