[Chester LUG] LUG Meet

Paul Williams wilp4a at hotmail.co.uk
Wed Sep 28 09:17:28 UTC 2011

Thanks Les.  I was going to say see you there...

...but I'm only about 80% sure I can make it.  My wife isn't feeling too hot and may have to go back into hospital.  It's not an urgent thing, so she's hoping to last until saturday after she has her apt for new glasses (she's been waiting for 2 weeks since my son bust them).  If she lasts, I'll be there.


Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 10:13:16 +0100
From: les.pritchard at gmail.com
To: chester at mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: [Chester LUG] LUG Meet

Hi all,
Apologies, this is a slightly late reminder that the next LUG social meet is tomorrow night. It will be at the Old King's Head on Lower Bridge Street (normally from 7pm).

Unfortunately I can't make it this month, I hope you have a good evening.
See you next month.

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