Hi everyone,<br><br>Just wanted to wish you all a Happy Christmas and New Year. I hope you all have a great break and I'll see you in the New Year....if not sooner!<br><br style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><pre style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">
<b><font><b> HO .----.<br> HO .' ,_ \<br> _ HO /__ ( \|<br> / ( . {___`'-.\{_}<br> | `|_ /6)6`'-._}<br> \_.'_} |/_ _7 |<br> {_.'| |5-.' /(
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<br> jgs '.__/ (__.' '-----------------------------------`</b></font></b></pre><br>[no burstable bandwidth was used in the making and sending of this card; remember your bandwidth allowance is for the month - not just for Christmas :-)]