Hi Everyone.<br><br>I need a little help with a batch file. I have managed a bit of it, but i'm a bit lost now. <br><br>What I need to do is<br><br><ol><li>Looks for file RS000001.001 in folder <br></li><li>Rename it RSmmdnnn.001 (mm=month, d= day number {Monday=1}, nnnn=unique count for the day)</li>
</ol>Now this file can appear up to several times a day (ie its going to run as a cron job every half hour to pick up the files as they are dumped by ftp) I can do the basic stuff with the date ie DATE = `date +%m%u` but setting up the nnnn bit is where I am getting lost.<br>
<br>Any help appreciated.<br><br>Stu<br><br>