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Well it's the new year and time for new things.<br><br>Firstly, I finally broke the 1 minute barrier solving a rubiks cube. <br><br>Another broken thing is my eeepc (2g surf). I make the distinction because I have ordered an eeepc 1000H - Black XP version. Why XP you ask? Well, I need a dual boot. It cost £280 for a white linux box (160GB) or the same for an 80GB XP machine. If I pay £300 instead, I get a choice of a black (160GB) XP box or a black (160GB) linux box. Thats right - £20 more for a black linux box instead of a white one!<br><br>I want black though. After a year, my white 2g looks like I've been using it in a chippy all year! So I can pay £300 for Xandros (which I'd remove), install my knock off copy of XP pro and then drag the drivers off the asus site, or pay the same and have a legal copy of XP and only have to remove the bloatware.<br><br>Either way it won't be my only OS on it.<br><br>I have turned my back on Ubuntu (sort of). Intrepid honked me off big style. I had disappearing toolbars, disappearing fast user switchers, broken sound drivers and (final straw) non-persistance on the graphics options. Two separate installs failed to fix all the problems. I am trialing Mandriva upstairs and Linux Mint 5 (about to upgrade to 6) on my main machine downstairs. The winner will be my linux distro on the new 1000H. So far Linux Mint is winning.<br><br>My 2g surf meanwhile is going to get fixed. It stopped accepting AC - resorting to battery only. Just enough power to reset it to Xandros before they collect it. Bonus is that eeepc 700s have a 2 year warantee with Asus. My wife will use that one for meetings (although she want's XP on it!)<br><br>Well that's my news<br><br><br>Hope you all had a great christmas and new year<br><br><br>Paul<br><br /><hr />Read amazing stories to your kids on Messenger. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/117588488/direct/01/' target='_new'>Try it Now!</a></body>