Hi all,<br><br>We've been talking for a while about having technical events where we can get together and have talks on certains topics. I have a venue now and am looking at potential dates for our first gathering.<br>
<br>Could you all help me out by answering these (badly phrased) questions :-)<br><br>1. Would you like this event to replace the socials?<br>2. If not, would you be interested in the socials running every month and then technical talks say every other month?<br>
3. Or would you prefer socials and tech talks alternating every other month?<br>4. If we are keeping the events seperate, would you prefer me booking the venue for another Thursday in the month or would you prefer another evening - say 2nd Wednesday of the month (if it was available)<br>
<br>Your thoughts are appreciated!!<br><br>Personally I'd be happy with sayng yes to number 2 but I'd like to see if people would be able to attend 2 events in a month every other month.<br><br>Les<br>