<div class="gmail_quote"><div>Greetings everyone,</div><div><br></div><div>It's almost that time again, no not hammer time, LivLUG time. <b>Liverpool Linux User Group</b> will meet this <b>Wednesday November 2nd at 7:30pm</b> in the <b>Liverpool Social Centre</b> on Bold Street, right in the City Centre. There's no scheduled talk this month but I'm sure there'll be plenty to discuss between the group. If anyone wants to give a short impromptu talk we may be able to accommodate you who knows, ask us.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Afterwards we'll head to Studio 2 on Parr Street for drinks. It's very close to LSC. You can find more info on Studio 2 here - <a href="http://www.parrstreet.co.uk/" target="_blank">http://www.parrstreet.co.uk/ </a></div>
<div><br></div><div>So come and join us for the penultimate pre-Christmas (yes I used the C word) LUG gathering. Information on how to find us and get in touch is on our website - <a href="http://livlug.org.uk" target="_blank">http://livlug.org.uk</a></div>
<div><br></div><div>Everyone is welcome and we encourage new members especially to come along, there is no level of technical skill required to feel at home.</div><div><br></div><div>If you have problems locating us please just let me know. My contact details are below. </div>
<div><br></div><div>Hope to see you there,</div><div><br></div><div>Dan Lynch</div><div><br></div><div>Tel: 07779165528</div><div>Email: <a href="mailto:dan@danlynch.org" target="_blank">dan@danlynch.org</a></div>