Re[3]: [Cumbria] Mandrake 9.1

Luke Antins cumbria at
Sun Apr 13 14:21:01 2003


> > I believe in MySQL!
> Some people belive in Santa Claus.  ;-)

And you don't?!

> > one or two persistent connections? MySQL can handle a lot more then 1 or 2.
> Yes, it can. But performance disappears down the plughole. :-(
> Nonsense.

Nonsense? not at all.

Here you can see some tests comparing: SQLite to PostgreSQL and MySQL.
MySQL performs better then PostgreSQL in 14 out of 16 tests.

Also take a look at this:

MySQL at Yahoo!
Some Technical Details:
Operating system used: FreeBSD and Linux, synchronized using MySQL
Size of database: 25 GB
Average number of concurrent connections: 60
Max number of concurrent connections: 250

Looks like it can take one hell of a load!

> > Why is it hard or impossible to make MySQL secure? I'd be very interested
> > to know what makes it so insecure.
> The daemon runs as root.
> Also see
> There are others.....

MySQL will only run as root if you let it.

mysql    29787  0.0  0.5 12556 2780 ?        S    Mar04   0:01 /usr/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/ --skip-locking
mysql    29789  0.0  0.5 12556 2780 ?        S    Mar04   0:01 /usr/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/ --skip-locking
mysql    29790  0.0  0.5 12556 2780 ?        S    Mar04   0:00 /usr/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/ --skip-locking

(note the --user=mysql)

MySQL will complain if you run it as root and has done for some time.

I've taken a look at the pdf you posted.
After reading it I have come to the conclusion that the problem is coming
from the operating system (in this case windows) and not the MySQL server.

This would not happen in Linux, I have just tried to bind another process
to the a specific interface and the same port as MySQL (witch is bound to, I was not able to, even when doing it as root!

(I used datapipe to do this test)

Even if it was possible according to the pdf the solution would be to only
bind to one interface.

Taken from the mysqld man page:

              IP address to bind to.

> Replication has been available (but as you say, as an add on)
> commercially for MUCH longer that Mysql has has this feature.

Maybe so but have you seen the prices for the commercial replication server?
Ouch is one word!

Kind Regards
Luke Antins

On Sun, 13 Apr 2003, Ian Linwood wrote:

> Hello Luke,
> Saturday, April 12, 2003, 10:11:20 PM, you wrote:
> > I believe in MySQL!
> Some people belive in Santa Claus.  ;-)
> >> But it all depends what you want to do. MySQL is excellent if you just
> >> want a relational database with one or two persistent connections.
> > one or two persistent connections? MySQL can handle a lot more then 1 or 2.
> Yes, it can. But performance disappears down the plughole. :-(
> > PostgreSQL only takes around 5 more concurrent connections before it falls
> > over too.
> Nonsense.
> >> It is hard (if not impossible) to make secure, and misses out
> >> a LOT of functionality compared to PostgreSQL.
> > Why is it hard or impossible to make MySQL secure? I'd be very interested
> > to know what makes it so insecure.
> The daemon runs as root.
> Also see
> There are others.....
> > I'll half agree on the functionality, however MySQL is not far behind.
> > MySQL does have replication though, I don't see it in PostgreSQL (apart
> > from add-on's)
> Replication has been available (but as you say, as an add on)
> commercially for MUCH longer that Mysql has has this feature.
> Versions 7.4+ of PostgreSQL are working to include this.
> BTW, there are many different types of replication. From master/slave,
> multiple slave, simple mirroring to read only slaves, and more... The
> type of replication to include in PG is still to be finalised.
> You gripe about it being an ad on  - whats InnoDB, if its not an *add
> on* kludge.
> > p.s. any 'flaming' I do its not meant to be personal or offend any one, if
> > any one has taken them this way I apologies.
> Hey, It's all good fun and should be taken in good nature. It's just
> discussion (a good thing). Nobody should get personal, so nobody
> should get offended.
> All the best.
> Ian.
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