[Cumbria] Is this a LUG ?

Michael Saunders cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Feb 7 22:19:00 2003

On 7 Feb 2003, Chris Plant wrote:

> Hello


> I just want to check, is this actually a LUG ?

I thought this was the Sisters of Mercy fan group list!

> And if it is a LUG, aren't we meant to have meetings ?

Like, video conferences and stuff? Or do you mean that "outside world"  
thing, that big blue room with all those people in?

I don't like that.

It's scary.

> And if we have meetings, why didn't anyone go ?

Well, I was there. AFAIK, the guys further north in the county
understandably didn't want to travel down with the bad weather, and
there hadn't been much discussion on the list about this meeting as of
late. But last night does make me think of...

"Yet another crippling bombshell hit the beleaguered Cumbria LUG
community when recently the UK LUG Group confirmed that Cumbria
accounts for less than a fraction of 1 percent of all LUGs... Turned
over to yet another charnel house... etc."

(Esoteric humour for Slashdot BSD section readers. Can't beat it, eh.)


Michael Saunders