[Cumbria] Ideas for Presentations

Chris Plant cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Jan 12 19:28:00 2003

On Sun, 2003-01-12 at 19:01, Ken hough wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> Paul's comment about 'releasing open source material' made me think. Is
> anybody about to do this? What's the best way to do proceed?
I've had monkeyircd going for close to two years.
> My interest stems from an app. that I've developed. It's commant line driven
> and does polynomial curve fits (up to 8th order!) on sets of x - y data.
> Very useful for reducing real life / emperical data sets to single equations
> that can be used within modeling programmes. It's writen in 'C'and intended
> to be easily called from within another app./ front end.
Ohh, maths!  Interesting.
> I've got it to a stage where I would be happy to let others use the
> programme and hopefully comment on it. Anyone interested in looking at the
> source code?
I'm about as interested as you are at looking at monkeyircd.


Chris Plant <chris@monkeyircd.org>