[Cumbria] The guy has a point...

Ken Hough cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Jan 16 13:59:00 2003

Schwuk wrote:

>Ken Hough said:
>>Am trying out / installing Red Hat on the laptop, just now.  Have
>>already got Red Hat running on a desktop PC.
>I am currently trying Gentoo. And you thought the Slackware installer was
Does Gentoo screw up your hard drive as well? This is what the Slackware 
installer did, perhaps with my help  --  I don't know.
Anyway, I ended up with a 'Partition table error' when I ran up 
Partition Magic. Have now cleared that using an IBM hard
disc utility and am now reinstalling my Win98 backup before installing 
Linux  -- I'll try Red Hat this time.
