[Cumbria] Re: The Guy has a point

Ken Hough cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Jan 17 09:38:00 2003

Schwuk wrote:

> Mat Brunt wrote:
>> The xmms through the shell I think I can work out (aren't man pages 
>> wonderful!) but I'd certainly be interested in the CD burning bit.
>> How does it work then please?
> Seeinng as you are already using the man pages, check out the 
> following commands:
>   readcd (not sure if this has a man page, but --help works)
>   cdrecord
>   mkisofs
> To find out what device your cd-r(w) is:
>   cdrecord --scanbus
> To make an iso image:
>   readcd dev=0,0 f=cdimage.iso
> To burn from an iso
>   cdrecord dev=0,0 cdimage.iso
> That should get you going...

My (simple) scripts are:

echo "Copy Audio CD"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Ensure that the CD to be copied is placed in the CD reader (upper 
CD drive)
echo "Ensure that a blank writable CD is placed in the CD writer (lower 
CD drive)
echo "Then press <RETURN> to start
read x
#Remove any exiting / old files
rm ~/CDFILES/*

cdparanoia -vB && cdrecord speed=2 dev=1,1,0 -audio ~/CDFILES/*

echo "Copy Data CD"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Ensure that the CD to be copied is placed in the CD reader (upper 
CD drive)
echo "Ensure that a blank writable CD is placed in the CD writer (lower 
CD drive)
echo "Then press <RETURN> to start
read x
#Remove any existing / old files
rm ~/CDFILES/*

readcd dev=1,0,0 f=~/CDFILES/dataCD && cdrecord speed=2 dev=1,1,0 -data 

A few points:

I have two CD drives, a reader and a writer. The writer is an old and 
slow HP unit , hence the speed=2 instruction. This writer is so reliable 
that I can't justify dumping it in favour of something faster.

I have a SCSI card so instead of the CD drives configuring as dev=0,x,0, 
they show as dev=1,x,0

All files are written to / read from a local CDFILES directory (ie 

&& allows the two commands to be written on the same line.
