[cumbria_lug] New distro advice

Trevor Pearson trevor at haven.demon.co.uk
Thu Feb 19 21:56:46 GMT 2004

Schwuk <schwuk at schwuk.com> writes

>Very true, but don't hold your breath. A company or project can change
>direction - a community the size of Linux can't.
There is much truth in both sides of this debate, Linux is a different 
animal to windows and was never meant to be either a major commercial 
product or a replacement for MS Windows. That it has become both where 
so many other projects like BeOS, OS2-Warp(ed) etc.  have died in less 
time than it takes me to write this is a clear indication of how amazing 
Linux and the Open-source model is.

That at times some people think that the development is going in the 
wrong direction is inevitable ( they may even be right) and not 
something to be too worried about.  MS is as successful as it is because 
of the take-up by business and with the corporate market Linux variants 
from Red Hat, SuSe-Novell and SUN  and not discounting IBM in the Server 
market I would expect people to be taking Linux even more seriously in 
the future.

I would like to point out to Michael that neither I nor anyone in the
Cumbria Linux USER group is any way responsible for Fedora Core
or Gnome or even KDE so I doubt telling us that these projects are
not doing what he thinks is best may generate much e-mail but little
change.  This discussion belongs on the fedora-devl or equivalent gnome 
and KDE mailing list and if Michael is going to take it there I will 
join to watch the fireworks....

Adam Pigg has some credibility as he has produced open-source software 
(and isn't saying much on this topic, wise man).  I am working on my 
contribution too. I am not the worlds greatest coder or designer but so 
what ? I can do something that is totally impossible with Longhorn, I 
can contribute to Linux !

Michael can you get one line of your code into Longhorn ? I think not.

Trevor Pearson
p.s. My spell checker wants to change 'coder' for 'codger' and I am sorely

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