[cumbria_lug] Gnome

Dave Murphy dave at schwuk.com
Sat Mar 11 00:00:28 GMT 2006

On Wed, 2006-03-08 at 19:07 +0000, Adam Pigg wrote:
> All i can say is sweet dude.  Now, that only applies to the rather cool 
> looking xgl stuff, not gnome :).  It even ran respectably on my (probably 
> underpowered) i915 which is awaiting a driver update to increase gl 
> performance (something to to with pbuffers i think).

My first impressions of compiz + xgl under Ubuntu 6.04 (Dapper Drake -
currently pre-release) were very favourable. If anything my desktop felt
faster, and the eye candy is very nice.

On the whole I still like, but a couple of things are really starting to
annoy me:

 * When my monitor goes into power saving, the X server restarts

 * More seriously, performance has gone down the drain, and not running
compiz is not improvement. My desktop is now unusable for any 3D
applications or watching videos (which are more like slideshows)

Most likely it is because Dapper is still pre-release. When the final
release comes out I'll probably do a fresh install, just to get rid of
all the testing cruft that has built up.

Dave Murphy (Schwuk)
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