[cumbria_lug] Perl or Python: a challenge

Dave Murphy dave at schwuk.com
Tue Mar 20 16:42:49 GMT 2007

Rosalind Mitchell wrote:
> Your challenge for today is this.  Give me a good reason why I should learn 
> Python, and a virtual Pan-galactic Gargleblaster for any smooth talker who 
> persuades me!

I'll come up with a more complete argument later, but for now...

There's no one reason why you should switch from Perl to Python unless
you already have one.

If I were to recommend a language to someone wanting to learn
development, I would recommend Python due to its relatively friendly
syntax, vast libraries, and amount of tutorials available. Of course the
same could be said about Perl or even Ruby these days. My other reason
for choosing Python is low barrier to application development on the
Linux desktop. Quite significant desktop applications are written in
Python these days, and because it is generally present in all mainstream
distros by default (due to its use in various admin tools) means that
distributing your finished application is even easier. Achieving the
same with Perl or Ruby is only a package or two away, but that's still
an extra step.

Other reasons for choosing Python: true object orientation (not bolted
on) and unit testing.

I'm a professional developer, who has moved from Perl to Delphi to .NET
to Python, and I'm sticking with it for the foreseeable. That's as good
a commendation as any.

Finally, I would point out that I actually prefer Ruby to Python as a
developer (I do Ruby on Rails), but for general (non-web) development
Python is easier in the long run.

OK, not as short as I'd intended... :)
Dave Murphy - http://www.schwuk.com

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