[cumbria_lug] Meeting proposal

Mark Wickens mark at wickensonline.co.uk
Fri May 4 10:49:59 BST 2007

Hi all,

Keswick would be great for me - I have not been able to attend previous 
meetings because Carlise and Penrith are too far for me to get to after work. 

I have some suggestions for meeting topics:

1. KDE or GNOME - one person using each desktop explains in 10 reasons why 
they like their desktop, what features they like and what makes it a nice 

The reason for this proposal is that I have only ever used KDE (well, since 
switching from fvwm!) but have always wondered what GNOME has to offer 
without ever bothering to spend the time learning.

2. Web Development Technologies - someone could give a quick rundown of 
tried-and-trusted favouries such as PHP, and maybe some of the newer 
technologies, eg, AJAX or Flex.

3. Linux based CCTV. I've set up ZoneMinder and use it day-to-day. If anyone 
is interested I could give a demonstration.

4. Your favourite distribution. In a similar vein to (1) - to give peope like 
me who have only ever stuck to one distro an insight into alternatives.

5. Virtualization - An idiots guide. Especially targetted for me!!!

6. Backup strategies. How exactly do you securely backup a Linux box with 
terrabytes of HD these days. My 8GB DAT just doesn't cut it anymore.

7. Retro demonstrations. Someone brings in an old box and we unashamedly talk 
about the old days. I have (my wife will freely admit) too many examples, my 
favourites being old DEC hardware.

8. My favourite 'you may not have heard of this but it could make your life so 
much easier' linux utility. For example, I've only just discovered that 
unison or rsync could solve a long-time headach of mine.

9. Email clients. People explain and demonstrate their email clients, what 
they like about them, and how easy they are to setup. I'd like someone to 
explain to me how to setup a Linux box to receive all my email, then how I 
connect through to retrieve it.

Just some suggestions. 

We could also setup a LAN party and play some free network-based games.


Mark Wickens, Mob: 07917 653012
Email: mark at wickensonline.co.uk
WWW: http://wickensonline.co.uk

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