[cumbria_lug] It's gone quiet in here again...

Dave Murphy dave at schwuk.com
Wed Oct 1 23:52:52 UTC 2008

...so I'll give you something to talk about.

The Cumbria LUG wiki is live! We have an internet presence again!


Go forth and edit, but be warned: I know it goes against the whole
'wiki' ideal, but it requires you to have an account to edit anything.
Just to make things a bit more complicated, to create an account you
have to have an OpenID (but any self-respecting geek will have at least
three by now). If you really don't have one, you can get one from any
number of providers, or even host your own (check out phpMyId).

I've populated the front page with an updated version of our previous

Still to do:

 * Create a customised theme (the default theme is functional, but
 * Set up the planet

Have fun!
Dave Murphy - http://schwuk.com
Get in touch - http://schwuk.com/contact
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