[Derry] DLUG meet on June 19th

Seumas Mackinnon seumas at gmail.com
Sun Jun 24 17:00:57 UTC 2012

The second Derry LUG meet of the new season...

In attendance were myself, Dennis, Nils and Ferruccio...

Ferruccio regaled us with tales of programming past and present, from
punchcards to NoSQL. Quick mention of Dart (Google's language) and
probably other stuff I've forgotten. Dennis?
Dart: http://www.dartlang.org/

There's a new Skype for Linux. Version 4.0 and no longer tagged as
beta. I do have it installed, but not noticed anything majorly
different yet...
Skype: http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/

Linus FU to nVidia. What more needs to be said. Spot on! (Skip to
around 49 mins if you can't be bothered watching the whole thing)
Linus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MShbP3OpASA

Closed source stuff on Linux gets a mention...Unity 4 brings Linux
support and Steam is going Linux too...what's up with that? Linux
gaming becoming big enough to profit from?...

...and there's the HumbleBundle. Games for Linux, Windows and Mac, DRM
free, pay what you want. Latest one was HumbleBundle V which sold
nearly 600,000 units and made over $5,000,000
HB; http://www.humblebundle.com

So, next fortnight we hope to have another tablet to look at (courtesy
of Ferruccio), will talk about Android upgrades, and whatever else we
can think of. Hope to see you!

Next meet is at Tinney's (opposite the Omniplex/Tescos on Patrick
Street) on July 4th from 6pm onwards...hope to see you there!

Cheers, Seumas

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