[dundee] [jtsmoore@revolution-os.com: Re: Screening of Revolution OS]

Andrew Clayton dundee at lists.lug.org.uk
Fri Jul 18 01:29:01 2003

NOTE: The following is just a general rant and not aimed at any one

On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 00:33, jim wrote:
> If it was a simple matter of downloading a file and deciding which 
> player you prefered it would be fine.
> as far as I can see I need to download files, then compile them etc. I

This is not always the case.... in fact I bet with something like
Debian, you'd rarely need to go this route... ;)

> just want to watch a movie!. I consider myself fairly computer savy, but 
> the average user will no want to be hassled this way, he wants to 
> download a program and have it install and then work 123 as easy as 
> that. I am sorry but microsoft are a pain in the arse, but windows 
> programs are a doddle to install, therefore windows will win. I wish it 
> were otherwise.

The trouble with windows and M$ is that they're all about dumbing down.

The average computer user 15 years ago was a lot more computer literate
than the average computer user these days. Obviously there is a number
of factors contributing to that...

UNIX/Linux et all is about dumbing up. Sure it requires a little bit of
thought and effort on behalf of the user. But thats not a bad thing,
it's a good thing.

And the UNIX/Linux desktops of today ARE ready for the computer
"challenged". The thing is, you have to make the distinction between
user and administrator. 

In fact UNIX is much better suited to them than windows for a number of

They can't fsck it up (as easily).
They are (effectively) protected from viruses, worms, vb macros etc.

And this is a MASSIVE thing.

I'm sure I've had a email "viruses" many times... I often get dodgy
attachments with the double file name extensions. But I don't give it a
second thought. A "d" key later and it's gone end of story.

I can quite happily open any email I get and not be worried that it's
going to format my hdd, mail itself too everyone in my address book etc.

You just can't do this with outlook!.

I know you shouldn't even open a message that looks dodgy, but I do it
all the time, because I know it can't do anything.

Transfer that onto the "moms" and "pops" of this world.

We've had to educate them about this... but loads of people still get

And it's basically all down to fundamentally flawed software.

We need to educate people, let them know that there are better
alternatives for their computing. That there is a safe/stable/open/fun
environment just waiting for them...

That they don't have to spend ludicrous amounts of $CURRENCY on useless
software, that theres no need for endless reboots. That computers
shouldn't just crash and lockup. That they don't need to be locked into
endless upgrade cycles. That they don't have to held to ransom over
proprietary file formats and protocols. That they can break free of the
"embrace and extend" and "lock in" tactics of $MONOPOLY   

Some countries are getting this whole FLOSS (Free/Libre/openSource/
Software thing more than others. In typical fashion, the UK is lagging
behind.. :(

Thats certainly something we would need to do as a LUG sometime, have a
"Linux Awareness" day.

Well, thats my rant over.... for now.
