[dundee] Revolution OS - 7th of Feb

Arron M Finnon afinnon at googlemail.com
Sat Feb 2 15:58:22 GMT 2008

For those of you who where not present at the meeting on thursday night.
I have booked the cinema out to show revolution OS for all our members.
Obviously this is not a commercial showing, the cinema has been booked
out for a talk, and a informal meeting so if by some strange coincidence
revolution OS starts playing so be it.  Everyone on the list is invited,
and as usual i'm sure they'll be a wee chat afterwards.

If you haven't seen then you really need to get your bum in to gear and
come and see it.  It is a fantastic documentary that does an incredible
job of explaining the whole linux, free software, open source ethos.

catch you laters


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