[dundee] Google's Response to the MS bid for Yahoo

Rick rick.moynihan at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 12:09:28 GMT 2008

On 04/02/2008, Barry Carr <barry at benericht.co.uk> wrote:
> > We do however need more competition search and online advertising.
> > I'd personally favour a newscorp acquisition, if only because they
> > have less leverage on other aspects of the tech-business.  Anyone care
> > to lend me $50bn for a counter bid? :-)
> No way! Murdoch already owns too much of the media as it is and he is already making inroads into
> the internet with those naff social networks sites (I can't remember which one he bought), plus
> sites belonging to his news papers and TV stations.

I agree that Murdoch owns too much of the media, but he and others
risk being eclipsed by Google as the future of advertising and media
is online.  Do we really want Google to own this space?  IMHO
Murdoch+Yahoo! would provide Google with some stronger competition
than MS+Yahoo, with less chance of them trying to leverage other
aspects of the tech business.

The social networking site was myspace btw.

All I want is a healthy market in both media and technology (which are
rapidly becoming the same thing).  I'd obviously rather a 3rd option,
but I can't see anyone else who's likely to make the acquisition at
anywhere near that price.

I guess what I'd actually prefer is Yahoo! to sort themselves out and
compete without a merger, but they've been in trouble for a long time
and despite numerous board-level strategies have been unable to turn
themselves around.

Rick Moynihan
rick.moynihan at gmail.com

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