[dundee] Taylug Weekly Articles 8 - POMS

Robert McWilliam rmcw at allmail.net
Wed Feb 6 16:11:38 GMT 2008

On Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 12:02:27PM +0000, Rick wrote:
> I'd genuinely be surprised if anyone thought a laptop was equivalent
> to a teacher in educating a child (or vice versa), yet it seems the
> arguments are being largely forced down this route.

I wouldn't argue for just giving up on teachers, giving the kids
laptops and ignoring them until the submit a Phd thesis that passes a
viva, but it is often underestimated just how much kids will learn if
given a computer and allowed to explore it and the internet. The
extreme example:

Robert McWilliam     rmcw at allmail.net    www.ormiret.com

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