[dundee] List software

Lee Hughes toxicnaan at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Feb 7 07:50:38 GMT 2008

I was actually talking about my own post, I'm sick a tired of the sound of my
on typing.

anyways, I got this plug in for microsoft outlook, it's called Moron Filter V3.0

it's actually the first release of the software, but it's allready at version 3.0

how cool is that...


oh, dear , look like even will the release of Moron FIlter V3.0, microsoft's
stock price is still falling..

any bets on what it will be near the end of the week.

Anyway, gotta go, off to sit with a laptop for a few years, and then get a PHD.

Lee 'Faraday Cage Head' Hughes

Robert McWilliam <rmcw at allmail.net> wrote: On Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 02:59:34AM +0000, Lee Hughes wrote:
> It's a shame this list software cannot be more like digg. Where lists readers
> could either Digg up, or Digg down Certain Threads or posts. Thus the top posts
> would be the consensus of the list, rather than me having to wade through posts
> that are just poo poo.
> I'm having trouble getting consensus currently from here, what with all
> these MEGA POSTINGS. going on. can anyone supply the
> time join/vs posting percentage ?
> I for one Digg this!

I may well be one of the posters annoying you but I'll try to help
anyway :) 

You can achieve this at your end with some bayesian filtering. Tag
some mail with whether or not you like it and let the filter learn of
that and then give a score to incoming mail from the list and sort by
that (rerouting stuff with a score bellow a certain threshold to
/dev/null if you want).

With less effort to set up most mail clients support an "ignore
thread" option for you to manually label discussions for ignoring.

This is one reason why email is better than forums: you control the
filtering algorithms.


Robert McWilliam     rmcw at allmail.net    www.ormiret.com

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try: command not found

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