[dundee] Programming in OpenGL

Nistur nistur at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 21 18:49:40 GMT 2008

Hmmm, I've got a graphics programming module that I've kinda been 
neglecting as we have to demonstrate it on Windoze machines and I can 
never be bothered to boot 'doze...
I have finally got motivated though and decided to make an environment 
similar to what we have been given, which was using the Windows API... 
Thankfully our lecturer based his framework on the NeHe tutorials, which 
also have a Linux copy of their tutorials handy. The problem comes in 
the slight differences between NeHe and what we have. The problem I have 
at the moment is that the windows stuff we have has this in it:
    Image *Texture[1];        //Creates storage space for the texture 
Width hieght info etc, and the data itself .
    memset(Texture,0,sizeof(void *)*1);    //makes sure the pointer is 
set to null.
Image being a struct that was previously defined. I have looked this up 
on google and the only thing that comes up is a string function, which 
this doesn't appear to match. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I sure 
as hell don't :) Kinda be interested if someone knows a solution, I ran 
it once with memset commented and it worked fine :P Then I tried to run 
it again and I got a segmentation fault (which I tracked to the memset 
just to be sure, well actually the function call after the memset where 
it tries to write to the struct...)


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