[dundee] (Dundee) storing and using GEOSPATIAL data

Lee Hughes toxicnaan at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Feb 21 22:49:22 GMT 2008

R? hmm..

Talk was interesting, http://www.colinmckay.net if you need any info.

Went a little over my head in places, an interesting talk never the less.

I wonder how long your open source db's will take to integrate these

Does geospatial awareness belong in a database? 

do you make a database really clever? and app's stupid

or do you make app's clever, and database stupid?

Out of all the microsoft product range, I must say I like sql server
the best, one of the few databases that has had a complete rewrite!!!! 

Open source it today!!!


jamie <linux at riach.eu> wrote: I've been playing with the R language and spatial statistics on linux
        for a few years. This language also has a windows port, although
        I am not sure if all the SP extensions are available. As usual
        proprietary nature of ARCview or Mapinfo formats need plugins
        escape the protection of American corporate lawyers, so
        if .NET/Mono
        makes it easier to access the info that has to be a plus. I had
        noticed that MS excel (and hence probably access) can use native
        GIS formats but is a B**g*r to make decent graphics in, or tie
        in other data.R can do topographic, 3d or spacial bar graphs
        with relative ease and is recommended with S-stat as the only
        two statistical packages to be correct with large weighted
        social data sets by the National Statistics
        Chief Statistician.

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