[dundee] Re: (Dundee) storing and using GEOSPATIAL data

Lee Hughes toxicnaan at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Feb 24 20:03:47 GMT 2008

This post blew my mind?

can you explain a bit more?

jamie <linux at riach.eu> wrote: The problem with geospatial data in a data base is that of common
        borders, when they (commercially) digitise the borders. They
        store the
        info in two ways database friendly each region separately. and
        unfriendly where common borders are only store once-ie you have
        include all the data from surrounding regions to draw the one
        you want.
        The rational is separate regions are fine for non exacting work,
        boundaries don't open holes and anomalies when the digitisation
        threshold is exceeded. There are also the elements that are
        non-contiguous such as that part of Russia that is separated
        from the
        rest by Lithuania. More commonly it is by lakes, rivers etc or
        boundaries have never been fixed ie Sudan, Lybia, Chad where
        Darfur sits
        in the middle. BP seems to be funding both pro western sides?
        doesn't monopolise amoral business.

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