[dundee] Half Life 2

Lee Hughes toxicnaan at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Feb 25 22:07:37 GMT 2008

Okay, I've been trying to install a copy of this, what a nightmare..

I'm using XP! (URGH!), but it seems it doesn't like my license key. 

Doing further reading , it seems that the original disc it tied to something
called steam,
and apparently once you've bought it you cannot resell it?

Is that Legal in this country, if I buy I piece of software, can valve actually
prevent me from selling it  to someone else??

sounds dogey to me, and illegal under the trade description act?

Views please. Is this the dark future of digital distribution of propriety software.
If anyone argues again with me that software actually exists, then this
example will back me up..


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