[dundee] Chrome://

Arron M Finnon afinnon at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 26 18:29:34 GMT 2008

text bellow;

Hi Guys,

Well i suppose the time was inevitable and once again i am forced to
follow my own advice and ask for your guys advice on this.  This is not
Linux per say related, but what it is i was wondering if i could use
chrome to load sunbird up.


I've been using Chatzilla today, and i cam across loading it up in a tab
via the chrome thingy ma jig.  It would be cool if i could do the same
with sunbird.


I'm no expert with this and i've done only the smallest amount of
research on it (i'll stick my hands up to that now), but does any one
have any ideas, or done something similar 




end text;

You can either post here or post it on the linux society website which
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