[dundee] Project: Python/Zork/IRC

Lee Hughes toxicnaan at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Feb 28 13:24:43 GMT 2008

I though of taking is a step further and either

Writing a Zork Activity for the olpd , I'm sure however has the 
rights to the old zork adventure would be up for donating the Z-Code
to the project.

That would either be a sugar interface to the C program.
or Convert the C frotz, or Java Interpreter to Native Python
(which is a lot more work) , but be a lot more olpc friendly.

I can see peoples dismay about porting such game apps as doom,
hyper violent game , but I used to play zork as a kid and

 it was fun
 I used my imagination, to picture scenes, the computer did not do all the work.
 It improved my typing skils (without knowing it)
 it improved my spelling accuracy
 it taught me what a nous and verb was!! heheh

 there were some problem solving, and lateral thinking.

oh did I say it was fun!!

anyone who's wants to help. Also I'd like to formally put a development 
request in for an olpc laptop to do the porting. 

Kris, I got frotz into Dumb made, so it's just taking stdin and stdout,
so linking it should be no problem now?


Kris Davidson <davidson.kris at gmail.com> wrote: Lee was talking to me on IRC about creating a Python IRC bot wrapper
for Zork to allow collaborative play in a channel.

I'm still learning Python; Its on my big and ever expanding list of
things I need to do and learn. Anyway I was thinking the easiest way
to do this is to get the Python IRC bot to run Zork then read/write
from stdout/stdin to the IRC channel. I'm guessing the Subprocess
module is the way to go.

But I'd like to tap into the lists repository of knowledge and ask:

Is this possible?
Has it been done already? either in Python or another language
Is there something similar already out there?
Would anyone like to help?


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