[dundee] Git Recap

Barry Carr barry at benericht.co.uk
Fri Feb 29 11:45:58 GMT 2008

Hi Folks,

Here are those Git commands I used last night:

** Create a repository:

   git init

if you want your repositories elsewhere set-up an environment variable called GIT_DIR

** Add files to repository:

   git add *.pas *.py *.rb

add will take multiple file masks and recurs down local sub dirs. Create a .gitignore file to create 
a list of file extensions that git should, well, ignore. One file mask per line

** To commit changes to a repository:

   git commit -a

this command will place you into git's default text editor for you to add a commit message. To 
change the default editor create a GIT_EDITOR environment variable that points to you favourite 
editor. e.g.: export GIT_EDITOR=/home/me/myeditor. Add the -m switch to write you commit message on 
the command line and skip the text editor stage.

** To revert a change, or got back to a previous version:

   git reset --hard HEAD

Here, HEAD means the last commit. You can count backwards from the current head by using the caret 
e.g.: git reset --hard HEAD^ will revert to HEAD -1; HEAD^^ = HEAD -2 etc..

** To create a branch:

   git branch MyNewBranch

Remember, all that the above has done is create the branch and not move you on to it. To see a list 
of branches just use: git branch. An asterisk displayed next to a branch indicates the current 
branch. A branch called master is the default branch that git automatically creates when you create 
a repo

** To move on to a branch or change you current branch:

   git checkout MyNewBranch

** To merge two branches:

   git checkout master
   git merge MyNewBranch

** To see if anything needs committing:

   git status

** To see the differences between whats in the repo head and on disk:

   git diff

I think its possible to specify your own diff viewer, but I'm not sure how to do it.

** Other useful commands

   git fsck

   Will check the integrity of your repository

   git gc --prune

   Will tidy up your repository and compact so that it will take up less space on disk.

Virtually all of these commands have additional switches that I've not explained. Full documentation 
can be found via Git's homepage:




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