[dundee] Thursdays Meeting

Rick Moynihan rick.moynihan at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 11:31:55 UTC 2009

2009/12/1 Nicholas Walker <tel0seh at googlemail.com>:
> Hey guys Just a heads up about thursday's meet, We've had no volunteers for
> talks, and i'm conscious about having the same people up at the front; So
> I'm going to make a booking at Jimmy Chungs tomorrow for Thursday evening.
> I've mentioned that we were looking to have a society night over the past
> couple of weeks, predominantly at the AGM. I also said that the society
> could put some money towards the evening, in the way of food.
> If you're interested in coming this thursday night (at approximately 7pm,
> I'll try and make the booking for then) please let me know by replying to
> this email. (this is so I can estimate how much funding we'll need, and get
> it signed out in advance).
> We'll get some food, and then go for a beer in the usual haunt.
> Thanks, Nick.

Hey, I may or may not be able to make it on Thursday (I'm off Skiing
in the Alps on Friday), so don't put me down for the meal...  Though
if I get all my holiday related chores done before then, I might be
able to make it along for a drink afterwards.  Any idea what time you
guys'll finish?


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