[dundee] LaTeX

Colin Brough Colin.Brough at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Feb 3 17:34:20 UTC 2009

Kris Davidson wrote:
> Okay first calm down, second I apologise to anyone if that conjured up
> images you'd rather not have.
> I am of course referring to the document markup and preparation
> system, its been on my big-ass-list-of-things-to-do-and-learn for a
> while. I finally cracked; I've got sick and tired of fighting with
> Open Office trying to get the formatting the way I want it.
> Anyway, I'm looking for some decent resources (beyond what comes up
> during a cursory Google search) and if possible some good templates or
> links to good templates.

I did a  presentation to TLUG back in '05; here are the notes I passed
round then:


(The PDF is produced from the .tex file, so you can see how I did the
things in the PDF. There are some web resources mentioned in
there. The .sty is a style file used by the .tex file.)

If you are sick of fighting with OpenOffice, then lyx is just going to
be a different opponent - you'll quickly get frustrated knowing you
should be able to do something (in LaTeX), but lyx isn't letting you
get at it...

comp.text.tex is probably the definitive place to go ask questions,
though its quite high volume and can be quite technical. I've been
using LaTeX since about 1988, so am quite happy to help! I learn best
by asking "how to I do XXXX?" as I'm faced with something I want to
do, then slowly adding to my knowledge. The only LaTeX book I actually
own is Leslie Lamport's original "The LaTeX document preparation
system", which I only rarely refer to now.




Rev Colin Brough
Fintry Parish Church of Scotland, Dundee
Scottish Charity Number: SC020742

Colin Brough                             Colin.Brough at blueyonder.co.uk

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