[dundee] Change of Distro - light blue touchpaper and retire

Sean McRobbie lug at seany.us
Wed Feb 25 19:33:04 UTC 2009

My one argument is that Slackware doesn't support multiple IPs on interfaces out of the box, making it useless to 99% of my customers.

Spent ages setting one of up a customer only to find this out afterwards.....

My other gripe is no 64bit support.

Apart from this I do not know much about it other than I wasted about 6 hours of my life on it :P

Sean McRobbie

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrzej Hajto" <andrzej at itelekom.pl>
To: "Davidson Kris" <Davidson.Kris at gmail.com>, "Tayside Linux User Group" <dundee at lists.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, 25 February, 2009 18:41:33 GMT +00:00 GMT Britain, Ireland, Portugal
Subject: Re: [dundee] Change of Distro - light blue touchpaper and retire

Yes definitely Slackware is the way how linux was in the past and how it
should look like nowadays :> just simplicity, beauty and perfection.
Why Slack was good in 1995 but not now? I would love to hear some
arguments. Are there any or is it just a myth?

> In all fairness Slackware would be good... for 1995, I suppose its a
> way to see what Linux was like back then.

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