[dundee] ELF yourself encryption

Lee Hughes toxicnaan at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jul 6 12:02:02 UTC 2009

it's yahoo webmail, I think it suck donkey bits...

I'll changer over to something else. any recommend a good web-mail service?

--- On Wed, 24/6/09, Andrew Clayton <andrew at digital-domain.net> wrote:

From: Andrew Clayton <andrew at digital-domain.net>
Subject: Re: [dundee] ELF yourself encryption
To: dundee at lists.lug.org.uk
Date: Wednesday, 24 June, 2009, 10:32 AM

On Wed, 24 Jun 2009 09:00:10 +0000 (GMT), Lee Hughes wrote:

> Andrew, yeah, I agree top posting in the pain in the ass
> but doesn't that just lead on to the wider argument , that
> communicating on a mailing list, is well not initutive, and a bit
> hard for new users to get to grip with...

Dunno, I find it quite intuitive to put my reply after or intermingled
to the thing I'm replying to.

I do notice a lot of really badly formatted email on this list. It's
often hard to sort the reply from the original message.

Not to pick on you (your just the most recent example), but your last
email where you posted at the top and the bottom. Your reply at the
bottom was not distinguishable from the rest of the text.

Actually I'm guessing that's related to Yahoo web mail as that doesn't
seem to mark the text your replying to with the usual > so there's no
easy way to distinguish your reply and what your replying to (unless
you top post!). So I guess bad mail clients are largely to blame for
this problem.


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