[dundee] Tiling Window Managers.... XMonad anyone?

Rick Moynihan rick.moynihan at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 20:37:54 UTC 2009

For the past few years I've been a big fan of tiling window managers
(they're awesome - (yes that's a poor pun)) and spent quite a lot of
time scripting wmii in Ruby by hacking on Mauricio's excellent
ruby-wmii configuration and scripting system:

- http://wmii.suckless.org/

- http://eigenclass.org/hiki/wmii+ruby

This allowed amazingly powerful things like the tagging of
windows/applications with a number of labels and then binding those
labels to virtual desktops...  The effect being that you can have the
same application on a variety of desktops depending on whether or not
it contributes to you doing the task... e.g. I had firefox, xterm and
emacs on my 'code dev' desktop, whilst the web desktop would contain
just firefox (maximized).

Anyway, I sadly moved away from wmii as it doesn't work very well with
my dual-head setup at home.  Since then, I've looked at other tiling
window managers like ion, dwm, and ratpoison...

The one I've finally got around to trying is xmonad.  And so far I'm
very impressed (its multi-head support is great), however I haven't
yet got around to configuring it.

- http://www.xmonad.org/

Before I get well and truly stuck in I was wondering if anyone on this
list runs xmonad and has any tips on configuration or contributed
xmonad packages I might like to look at?


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