[dundee] Terminal Linux was Emacs and org-mode

Axel newsletter at axelbor.de
Fri May 14 15:09:22 UTC 2010

A few programs spring to mind:
mc        - http://www.midnight-commander.org/
moc       - http://moc.daper.net/
centericq - http://freshmeat.net/projects/centericq/

Quoting azmodie <azmodie at gmail.com>:

> I've been wanting to start a little project either based on debian or
> ubuntu-mini.iso.
> main features:
> * No X-server
> * Terminal interface
> * command line apps  ( eg.. rtorrent emacs/vi claws/mutt/emacs-email etc
> ...)
> * Make use of frame-buffer
> * Browser capable of displaying graphics on frame-buffer
> anyone else tried something like this. (apart from nistur) ?
> are there any apps people would recommend ?
> any other comments ?
> Azmodie

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