[dundee] Attendance List

Kevin Smith kevin.smith at thesoftwaresociety.org.uk
Fri Feb 1 12:44:11 UTC 2013

Hey folks,

As some of you may recall, Robert did a good talk a few weeks ago on how there really isn't an internet. In that talk, he discussed an attendance list of sorts for the coffeeshop meetings which could run on multiple devices. Well, after a few hours of coding, I made just that https://github.com/kevinisageek/attendance

Simply run attendance.py on your command line and you will get html. As a proof of concept it works. What doesn't work as yet is serving it from a web server. I have made a php kludge (just runs the file on the command line and outputs that to the browser) to workaround some aspects of python web development that I dislike but it is untested.

Have fun!


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