<div id="wikicontent" style="padding: 0pt 3em 1.2em 0pt;">
<p>Reconstructor - Ubuntu CD Creator </p><p>It uses the Ubuntu Linux
Live CD as a base, and then allows customization of boot screens
(usplash), gnome settings, and software (you can also use the chroot
environment to make other changes before creating the live cd). </p><p>Reconstructor
does not create separate distros. It keeps the solid Ubuntu foundation,
and just allows for customization. For example, create a custom Live CD
with blender, inkscape, etc. included for a friend in graphics, or
simply use reconstructor to re-brand your environment (wallpaper,
fonts). </p>
</div><a href="http://code.google.com/p/reconstructor/">http://code.google.com/p/reconstructor/</a><br><br>So doeas anyone want to try have a go at a Abertay Linux Society version for freshers fair ?<br><br>Azmodie<br>--
<br>An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.<br> - Niels Bohr