Hello folks!<br><br>I'm not sure how many people are going to be too interested but I thought I'd share this anyway.<br><br>I don't think that the distrowatch release announcement has gone through yet(at this moment right now) as the distro was just released yesterday or so.
<br><br>Elive, a Debian 4.0 variant with the Enlightenment WM, has been formed into a new stable version. It really looks awesome and I'd urge you to check it out. I looked at Elive 0.4 about a year and a half ago(I think) as an alternative to the memory-hungry larger distro's I'd been using(SuSE, Ubuntu, Xandros(Eugh) to name a few). I thought it would be a temporary kinda thing. I was very wrong.
<br><br>Now a permanent user I'm finding it hard to be swayed from it no matter where I look for other distro's. It's downloading just now from softpedia(as the free mirror went down on the official site) and can't wait to get started using their new version.
<br><br>Check it out if you're interested in a stable, efficient and resource-light yet elegant distribution/desktop environment. You will not regret it, I promise* =D<br><br>Cheerio, I'll hopefully hear from some of you at the next meeting if you give it a go.
<br><br><a href="www.elivecd.com">www.elivecd.com</a><br><a href="www.enlightenment.org">www.enlightenment.org</a><br><a href="http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Elive-Download-3180.html">http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Elive-Download-3180.html
</a><br><br>* You'll have to convince me of your definition of regret for that promise to stand =P<br>