Hey, I know there's been a discussion about cron before and I read through it but I'm still having issues.<br><br>I have a PHP script which connects to a database, reads a video file name and then uses a shell command to run ffmpeg on the video file, converting its format and size. The script itself works fine and I can call it directly from a terminal as root. It has to be run as root to avoid permission problems on the server. (the uploaded video files become owned by www-data on my debian system). Anyway, I followed the previous discussion and read some links off google about crontabs and it still doesn't work.
<br><br>Here's the output of crontab -e:<br><br><div style="margin-left: 80px;">root@Madeline[/var/www/hdmotherlode]# crontab -l<br># m h dom mon dow command<br>* * * * * php -f /var/www/hdmotherlode/video_convertor.php
<br></div><br>I edited it then waited. Nothing. I then killed all cron processes and crond. Then /etc/init.d/cron force-reload then reload then restart. Still nothing. Then I restarted my computer and still nothing happens.
<br><br>Can somebody help me out here please?<br><br>Thanks in advance,<br> Chris<br><div style="margin-left: 40px;"><br></div><br>