Hi all,<br><br>I have been looking into the stickers people are interested in and have been looking for a company/person that will print us some super cool bespoke laptop badges and case badges. [Case badges will be standard 25mmX25mm, there are no restrictions on laptop badge size]
<br><br>[*] Someone on ebay is willing to print us 100 laptop stickers (Similar to this: <a href="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Linux-powered-sticker-for-laptop-mod-15mm-X35cm_W0QQitemZ290176462808QQihZ019QQcategoryZ41881QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem" target="_blank">
Ebay item - Laptop Sticker</a>) and 100 stickers (Similar to this: <a href="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ATI-radeon-X850-sticker-for-PC-case-mod-25mmX-25mm_W0QQitemZ290176462782QQihZ019QQcategoryZ80184QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem" target="_blank">
Ebay Item - Case Badge</a>) for $0.75 each, which works out at around £72 for 200 stickers.<br><br>[*] Alternatively, a company <a href="http://www.keyfactors.co.uk">keyfactors</a> print any design on domed case badges @ 33p for 100 stickers - which would be £33.00 for 100 case badges.
<br><br>[*] Another company.. (im waiting for a price quote from them - they look expensive!) <a href="http://www.dectek.co.uk/">dectek</a> print domed badges and domed labels. They look pretty sweet.. so i hope they aren't too expensive.
<br><br>At any rate.. I reckon 100 case badges and 100 laptop badges is a good number.. I think that gives everyone in the society some to play with and more for us to throw at people. Unless there are members who want a lot of them?
<br><br>So.. I have some questions!<br><br>1 - For laptops.... Aluminum stickers or domed badges?<br>2 - For desktops.. Aluminum stickers or domed badges?<br>3 - Anybody have any ideas for artwork? <br>4 - Feedback on the quantity. Is 100 too much? too little?
<br>5- -Any other kinds of stickers ive missed?<br>6- -Im still looking about for companies and checking prices, does anybody know a guy that knows a guy that prints stickers?<br><br>I will of course bring this up at a future meeting once i have price quotes back and put this to vote before committing to any decision. I would just like to get a general idea from you guys :)
<br><br>-jen.<br>'i spam.'<br><br><br><br> <br>