Hey all,<br><br>Not sure how many of you have read this but I stumbled over it just now and it's terrifically funny :-) Have a read if you feel that way inclined: <a href="http://philosecurity.org/2009/03/23/pirates-and-ninjas-emacs-or-vi">http://philosecurity.org/2009/03/23/pirates-and-ninjas-emacs-or-vi</a><br>
<br>So all there's left really is the big question:<br><br>Emacs or Vi? Pirates or Ninjas? Ninjas or Emacs? Vi or potatoes? I think you get the idea :-)<br><br>Cheers,<br> Chris<br><br>P.S. I'm a ninja ;-)<br><a href="http://philosecurity.org/2009/03/23/pirates-and-ninjas-emacs-or-vi"><br>