I had an incident where a recent subscriber had a suspicious email address and on investigation found that there was a strong possibility that this person could be a spammer as he was joining up on various U.S. LUG email lists (certainly exhibiting suspicious activity) so I blocked that email address. <br>
<br><a href="http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/I9O5CeqRI4D3hghJJfGQ">http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/I9O5CeqRI4D3hghJJfGQ</a><br><br>Last night on the LUGMaster list another U.K. LUG reported this email address subscribing to his list and I reported back my findings so that all the other LUGS can check if he had subscribed to their mailing list. At present our mail archives, including email addresses, are fully open to the public. The Lurker database on the TayLUG website, which gets updated monthly, has been set to show no email addresses therefore it is safe from spammers. Other LUGs have their mail archives set to be read by members only in order not to give out email addresses. I want to go through the democratic process in asking our list members whether we should keep our mail archives fully accessible and open to the public, including email addresses or change it to members only. I will only make a change if there is a clear majority wanting this change.<br>
<br>Gordon<br>TayLUG Administrator<br><br>