Right guys, got an update about the DNS.<br><br><br>Basically, to outline the action plan, we've two boxes at the moment. The old site, on it's original box, and a new machine, which has been set up as a development box alongside it, for creating the new website.<br>
<br>Changes were made to the DNS records so that:-<br><br><a href="http://thelinuxsociety.org.uk">thelinuxsociety.org.uk</a> pointed to the normal site<br><a href="http://dev.thelinuxsociety.org.uk">dev.thelinuxsociety.org.uk</a> pointed to the development site.<br>
<br>However, problems have arisen with the domain registrar, and the domain has been reset back to it's default state, resulting in the registrars page being shown. Kris is making amendments to the domain as we speak, and the new rules should apply within 24 hours. (That's roughly how long domain name changes take to propagate.)<br>
<br>If you're interested in how the development machine is coming along, here is our progress list, last updated on thursday of this week:<br><br><br><div><font face="arial, sans-serif"><span style="border-collapse: collapse;"><div>
TODO Configure A.L.S Dev Server[12/19][63%]
<div> - [X] add and configure users eg. django
<div> - [X] install Base Packages
<div> - [X] install Nginx
<div> - [X] install Apache
<div> - [X] install Drupal
<div> - [X] install virtualenv
<div> - [X] install cmemcached
<div> - [X] setup Folder Structure
<div> - [-] configure virtualenv for :[4/5][80%]
<div> - [X] Python
<div> - [X] Django
<div> - [X] cmemcached
<div> - [X] egenix-mx-base
<div> - [X] psycopg2
<div> - [ ] Any Other Packages
<div> - [X] django-cms
<div> - [X] Configure Nigix sites-available / sites-enabled
<div> - [X] configure Apache sites-available / sites-enabled
<div> - [X] create django project
<div> - [X] configure django project
<div> - [ ] Setup base pages
<div> - [ ] Tweak Layout
<div> - [ ] Switch DNS servers (preserve previous site)
<div> - [ ] add A record to DNS <a href="http://dev.thelinuxsociety.org.uk/" target="_blank">dev.thelinuxsociety.org.uk</a>
// this was completed friday night, and as a result of the error, you're getting the registrar page.
<div> - [ ] setup bazzar repo
<div> - [ ] finish/tidy build scripts for home dev. <br></div></span></font></div><br><br><br><br><br>As for the old website, my apologies, as I said before, I didn't realise it was such a pinnacle part of the society, and I'd turned my focus to the lists. This was a huge underestimation on my part, and I'll remedy this as soon as the DNS issues are resolved. I'll update the society officer positions, and add as much information about meetings as I have at this point in time.<br>
<br><br><br>The issues here lie with me, as I've not been delegating to my officers, and that's what they're there for, and information is not getting where it needs to be. I'm new to all of this, and I hope you'll bear with me while I get on top of things. I had a suggestion from Arron at the last meeting, of meeting up with my officers once a month to stay on top of society current affairs, and allow a forum for the officers to give/recieve the information they need to keep things ticking over. I'm going to take this advice on board, and schedule the next meeting for the coming week. (I'll call each of you individually, and work out the best time to suit all. In light of recent events, I'd really appreciate it if you could all attend.)<br>