[Durham] October meeting: anyone know anything about VPN?

Richard Patterson richard at helpquick.co.uk
Mon Oct 19 16:08:52 UTC 2009

Hopefully from your post, people will realise that the meeting is indeed 
tomorrow evening...

I have done a bit with VPN, and use OpenVPN every day now...

I'm ok for the memory to go to a good home...



Dougie Nisbet wrote:
> At last month's (September) meeting someone, and I apologise for 
> forgetting your name, (Ian?) was telling me about using VPN to access 
> his home network. I've always steered clear of VPN because:
>     - I have no idea what it is
>     - I have no idea how it works
>     - I can't see what use it is to me
>     - it involves security and stuff
> With the advances in mobile internet and broadband dongles and what have 
> you I think I may try and find out a bit more. I'm motivated by having a 
> couple of webcams at home that I'd like to keep an eye on. In the past 
> I've written some unruly scripts for album 
> (http://marginalhacks.com/Hacks/album/) and uploaded bits to some 
> webpages. Why bother if I can just phone home? Like I say, I've always 
> run away in the past as I think I'd need to change some settings on my 
> router to allow certain incoming traffic. It should be apparent that I 
> only have the vaguest idea of what I'm talking about here, but if anyone 
> fancies giving me a piece of their mind on the subject tomorrow night I 
> shall be all ears and beerfully grateful. If there's anything I could 
> install (Ubuntu 9.04) on my laptop let me know and I'll do it before the 
> meeting. Or to change on my router, an elderly Zyxel Prestige.
> Talking of which; Richard - I upgraded the memory in the laptop to 2GB 
> and took out the original 512MB piece that was in there. It's no use to 
> me. I'll bring it along tomorrow in case it's any use to you, otherwise 
> free to anyone else who wants it. (from a Tosh Equium A80-132).
> cheers
> Dougie
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*Richard Patterson*
Mobile:0792 151 2459

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