[ExeterLUG] friday

Paul Sutton zleap at zleap.net
Mon Mar 11 18:23:45 UTC 2013


Looking at the plan for Friday

Michael Emerton, organises a CodeClub at the Local Exwick Heights
school. Tom donated 6 old laptops to Exeter LUG, and we have offered
these to Micheal so the children from his group can take them home to
work on their CodeClub projects between lessons.

What we're going to try to do is get the Scratch Programming environment
installed and running on top of the existing install of Puppy Linux.

I ASSUME someone has prepared install media for this (NOT ME) as in a cd
or flash disk with a working / bootable install of puppy on.  If they
have can who ever has these please raise their hand,

just asking



skype : psutton111


I am committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable groups and expect any school or establishment I am involved with to share this commitment. 

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