[ExeterLUG] ted exeter raspberry pI jam

Gordon Henderson gordon+lug at drogon.net
Mon May 13 12:28:28 UTC 2013

On Sun, 12 May 2013, Paul Sutton wrote:

> Hmm
> did anyone know about this on the lug ?

So, turns out I did know about it... Trevor Sharp sent me an email a few 
weeks ago about it and copied Rick into it. Shame he never copied it to 
the list (and having had other issues on my mind and a lot of foreign 
travel for the past few weeks, I never thought to copy it either - sorry)

It was tweeted and re-tweeted by Liz at the RPiF the day before the event 
too - really not a lot of time for some people to get their act together. 
That, and the location - Exeter central library on a Saturday... Great if 
you live in Exeter, but ...

Still - it would be good to get feedback from it - (Trevor, Rick, I 
presume you went to it?) were there many people, photos, videos, what 
happened, who did talks, etc. etc. etc. ...


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